Every single book in every library, bookstore, and gift shop has been designed by someone--typefaces chosen, sized, arranged; images chosen, retouched, sized, placed; page numbers placed, table of contents and indexes created--believe me, the list of details is super-long and kind of boring. But all essential. Designing a book is a pretty specialized art form--because you want it to look beauteous but you want it to reflect the subject matter and the author's vision, all while being visually interesting and readable--the designer needs to make it look like it all belongs together--like it just appeared as you see it. It's the art of the artless--a good book designer makes the visual and the verbal seamlessly get along while you barely notice (you'd notice if it looked bad though). We design for print, print-on-demand, and e-books (yes, even e-books need designing). We also design other print materials for selected clients.